Ben's SARS - Florist

A skeptical chicken!

The following is based on a true story: Ben's Subway Album Reviews are not a valid source of dietary fiber.

Florist - Holdly

It's really nice! Some nylon string guitar, gentle melodies, warm bass, sweet arrangements, ostensibly quite personal lyrics. And it's all resoundingly pleasant! At first, I thought this music might be twee, but then I thought maybe it's a little bit melancholy for that, and then it dawned on me that I am not 100% sure what "twee" means. Fascinating, how languages evolve, with new words being thought up or repurposed at such a rate... (I do realize "twee" is in no way a new word, but I never really had much reason to use it before arbitrarily deciding to start writing these music reviews.)

Back to the music! I do have a minor critique with this album though. In the vocals, I hear a somewhat downcast lack of confidence that could easily be mistaken for boredom and/or being aloof. And that can make them seem a little bit cooler than this otherwise very warm sounding album. But that’s a pretty minor concern in the grand scheme of things when you're floating in the cotton candy clouds of this EP.

TL;DR - A cozy album to listen to with a cat on your lap!